Showing Up As A Leader - Scott Seltzer - Entrepreneur Intel - Episode # 14

When it comes to running a business, you need to have good leadership skills. Our guest this week is a leadership expert who has a holistic approach to entrepreneurship. Joining the show this week is Owner of Chester Street Residence, Scott Seltzer.

Scott shares his journey into running a family business. He dives into the challenges of caring for a community, the necessity to be a strong leader, and why he brings 100% of himself to work each day. 

  • One of the most important things in entrepreneurship is to care for your employees. Whether your employees have concerns or exciting news, a good leader is there to listen and understand. 
  • When planning to have a child take over the family business, it’s important to have them start at the ground level. A holistic experience of the business functions will give them a good understanding of how it runs, and will help them build trust with other employees.
  • Embrace the positivity and purpose in senior living, where genuine love for people is key. Choose to show up with energy and enthusiasm every day, as your attitude can inspire and uplift those around you.
  • When creating a senior care facility, one of the most important aspects is community. Creating a space where people feel cared and accommodated results in better patient satisfaction, and higher employee engagement. 
  • When dealing with major events like COVID, it’s important to align your mission with the needs of the community. Balancing safety and community allowed people to receive the care they needed, and still see family. 
  • Approach requests with empathy and politeness. Choose to show up as a leader with a positive mindset and calm demeanor, as handling challenges gracefully is a conscious choice that leads to better outcomes.
  • As a business owner, it’s common to experience frustrating situations. Rather than focusing on the source of the frustration, focusing on the solution helps you see the path forward. 

Quote of the Show:
  • “To me, leadership is just about solving problems and helping people get better.” - Scott Seltzer 


Ways to Tune In:
Showing Up As A Leader - Scott Seltzer - Entrepreneur Intel - Episode # 14
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