Navigating Security and Crisis Management - Steve Hernandez - Entrepreneur Intel - Episode # 28

In this insightful conversation, Wes chats with Steve Hernandez, the CEO and President of The North Group. Steve shares his journey from being a military personnel to becoming a prominent figure in the intelligence and security industry. He discusses the importance of situational awareness, the complexities of handling threats in both personal and corporate realms, and provides valuable advice on business risk management. Additionally, Steve dives deep into the dark world of human trafficking and the importance of safeguarding against digital exploitation. Entrepreneurs and leaders will find this episode particularly useful as Steve provides pragmatic advice on crisis management, stakeholder protection, and the evolving landscape of security.
  • Leaders must have situational awareness and preparedness. This means being acutely aware of the environment and potential risks your organization may face and having plans in place to address these risks before they materialize.
  • Create and maintain strong communication channels. Ensure that every team member knows they are not alone, and foster a culture of openness where concerns and observations about potential threats can be shared and addressed promptly.
  • Invest in pre-crisis risk management. Being proactive in identifying and mitigating potential risks is far less costly and more effective than dealing with the aftermath of a crisis. This includes having security assessments, creating emergency protocols, and educating employees on these measures.
  • Understand and prepare for the broader impacts of risks. Analyze the second and third-order effects of potential risks. For instance, supply chain disruptions can have cascading impacts on various aspects of the business, from financial health to workforce stability.
  • Leverage technology for security and risk management. Utilize advanced tools for data collection, analysis, and threat monitoring. Ensure your company's data and communications are secure, especially when dealing with sensitive information or traveling internationally.
  • Adopt a trust-but-verify mindset in professional relationships. While it's essential to foster trust within your team and with external partners, verification processes should be in place to prevent exploitation of that trust, ensuring the integrity and security of operations.
  • Focus on building resilient systems and processes. Ensure that your company has robust systems to handle disruptions, including backup plans and redundancies to maintain operations under various scenarios. Continuous refinement and testing of these systems are crucial to organizational resilience.

Quote of the Show:
  • “You can't have a company full of donkeys when you're trying to raise thoroughbreds.” - Steve Hernandez


Ways to Tune In:
Navigating Security and Crisis Management - Steve Hernandez - Entrepreneur Intel - Episode # 28
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