Depending On What You Can Control - Josh Sterling - Entrepreneur Intel - Episode # 4

Our guest this week is a business owner whose entrepreneurial journey started with a single piece of real estate, and has since grown into over 900 units. Please welcome to the show, Owner of Epic Property Management, Josh Sterling!

Josh joins Host Wes Mathews to explain how he transitioned from a career in aviation into real estate. Josh discusses the power of process tracking and unwavering efficiency, shares valuable insights into syndications, and explores the benefits of real estate investing. From buying small multi-unit buildings to establishing well-structured, process-oriented systems, Josh provides valuable insights and advice to every aspiring investor.

  • Efficiency and relentless tracking are crucial for entrepreneurial success. Following through on every task and maintaining a zero inbox can be a significant driver of achievements.
  • Facing unexpected challenges in a career and personal life can lead to a realization that true control lies in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities. Owning your own business allows you to better control your daily life. 
  • Micromanaging and being tied to every aspect of a business can lead to frustration and hinder growth. Trusting and empowering others to take on responsibilities can result in successful operations and personal growth.
  • Running a successful property management business requires unique strategies and significant investment. Efficiency and profitability are achieved through innovative approaches and dedication to continuous improvement.
  • Success in the real estate industry requires understanding the ease of management that comes with midsize multifamily properties. By focusing on properties with onsite maintenance capabilities, investors can ensure a more streamlined approach.
  • Real estate investments offer multiple avenues for generating income, including potential appreciation, depreciation benefits for tax purposes, cashflow, principal pay down, and the advantage of inflation-induced debt destruction.
  • Successful entrepreneurs can benefit from getting involved in real estate through syndication. Syndication allows them to invest in larger properties, share in the profits, and gain exposure to cash flow, appreciation, and other financial benefits.

Quote of the Show:
  • “I've got to depend on something I can control.” - Josh Sterling


Ways to Tune In:
Depending On What You Can Control - Josh Sterling - Entrepreneur Intel - Episode # 4
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